Canada's first multicultural fraternity

Who are we?
Xi Alpha Pi Multicultural Fraternity Incorporated is a Canadian fraternity, founded in 2008 - in Toronto, Canada, at the University of Toronto. We're a registered not-for-profit corporation, in Canada's Ontario business registry. We're known as Xi Alpha Pi and XAP. We're represented by the Greek letters: ΞΑΠ.

What do we do?
We're a Brotherhood of leaders, that comes together, to form a lifetime bond and network. We strive to promote active multiculturalism, become better men, and serve our communities.

Where do we operate?
Our HQ and main operations are located in Toronto, Canada. We mainly operate at Univerity of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC), but we're active Toronto-wide as well. We also have alumnus Brothers all over the world (from North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa and even Australia!). See our alum network.

We're proud to be Canada's first multicultural fraternity.

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  • Greek letters: ΞΑΠ

  • Motto: In Brotherhood, we sacrifice

  • Four pillars: Unity, Sacrifice, Achievement, Growth

  • Mascot: Phoenix

  • Official colours: Red, black, white

  • Nickname: XAP, Xi's

  • Traditions: Six lineages ('lines'), rose-giving, pledegeship, initiation rituals, the XAP step

Our areas of focus

Events, gatherings, socials, networking

Philanthropy, community service, volunteering

Manage XAP,
sports, competitions, tournaments

Academic excellence, skills development, seminars

Our mission statement

" We, the Brothers of Xi Alpha Pi Multicultural Fraternity Incorporated, swear to uphold the values of Unity, Sacrifice, Achievement and Growth, in order to become better men of society, and to benefit the whole of humanity"

Charities we support

Are you a charity? Find out how to partner with us.

Philanthropy and community service are important parts of XAP.

Charity spotlight:
OneMatch recognitions

XAP was the lead host organization at UTSC, that entered Canada's national "Get Swabbed" campaign. Goal was to increase the diversity of Canada's stem cell registry, so that ethnic communities have more chance of finding a match.

The Koios Scholarship

In memory of our fallen Brother, Koios, Zeta #41, we started this university scholarship to support Brothers in need of financial aid - and to honour his love of lifelong learning and academic excellence.

Our history

The birth of Xi Alpha Pi was inspired by the decline of what traditional fraternities stood for. As time passed, many fraternities have been plagued with negative stereotypes and negative behaviours. Dissatisfied with this, our Founding Brothers came together and started a new fraternity of its kind. One that restores traditional Greek fraternal concepts, while staying modern and relevant to its time, as a force for good.

Through united efforts, a new fraternity was officially forged, on 28th September 2008, under the name of Xi Alpha Pi. Each individual Greek letter is symbolic to an ideal of the Fraternity, and the Greek letters as a whole represent the solidarity and common purpose of the Brotherhood.

Since inception, XAP sought to uphold the highest values, and fought against the negative stereotypes of fraternities. Being the first of its kind, XAP introduced concepts that were unheard of, such as: never using the words "frat" or "bro" to refer to oursevles (only "Fraternity" or "Brother"), all Fraternity Names in Greek only, no membership fees, a strict anti-hazing approach, collective decision-making, and equal standing amongst all Brothers. Through XAP's events and outreach programs, XAP became known as a 'gentlemen's fraternity,' with a strong dedication to community service.

In 2010, XAP collaborated with a group of female leaders at the University of Toronto. This collaboration led to the establishment of Chi Sigma Xi (CSX) Multicultural Sorority. The close relationship between the two organizations continue to this very day, and they're a significant part of our extended family.

Today, XAP continues to operate and grow in membership. We have a global network of Brothers, representing over 40 different nationalities, and we're still continuing our mission.

Want to know more?

How to join the Fraternity in Canada?

Are you a business or charity?