Membership requirements

Interested in a fraternity in Toronto, Canada? We look for candidates with strong qualities, who are serious and dedicated, to advance our mission.

What do we look for?

  • a natural leader

  • desire to make a positive impact

  • willing to put in time and effort to grow the Fraternity

  • a respectful gentlemen of good character

  • enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education

  • *ideally, have ideas on how they can advance the Fraternity, and be willing to make them happen

*Bonus consideration given to students enrolled in University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). Other U of T campuses also accepted: St. George downtown (UTSG) and Mississauga (UTM).

*Other universities accepted on consideration. We do have members from York University, Wilfrid Laurier University, University of Guelph, University of New Brunswick, and others.

Membership process

How to join the Fraternity? We accept applications during our official recruitment periods (rush). Usually in September and January.

Follow our intake process:

  1. Attend Rush

  2. Earn a bid (invitation to join)

  3. Complete Pledegeship

  4. Complete Initaition ceremony

12 reasons to join a fraternity

1. Life-long relationships
Brotherhood is for life. The work you put in, and the memories you create - will forge a bond that lasts a lifetime.

2. Professional development
Gain valuable experience that will benefit you in the future. A fraternity operates like a company. There are positions, assignments, and organization.

3. Leadership opportunities
Learn to be a leader. Drive events, present, come up with new ideas, and make things happen. The more you put in, the more you'll gain.

4. Academic support
There is always help available – whether it’s tutoring, coaching or academic scholarship.

5. Campus connections & socials
Our members are involved in student groups, sports and extracurricular activities. It’ll be much easier to meet new people, grow your network, and get involved.

6. Alumni relations
Having access to a global network of alumni, is a major advantage. Alumni are great resources for life/career advice, mentorship, traveling, and gaining connections to the professional world.

7. Philanthropy & community involvement
Serving others is a big part of who we are. Be a part of social action, and drive positive change to those in need.

8. Post-graduate community
Fraternity life doesn’t just end after graduation. It’s a community that you can grow old with. Mentor younger members, take up alumni positions, and participate in alumni activities.

9. Multiculturalism
Champion more unity in the world. Celebrate diversity and inclusion. Expose yourself to diverse cultures, backgrounds, religions and perspectives.

10. No membership fees or dues
While the average cost of joining a fraternity, is $800-$1200 CAD per member, per year - we don't charge any membership fees (that's right!).¹ This is one of our founding principles.

11. Strictly no hazing
We DO NOT haze, and we DO NOT believe in its practices. We were founded on a strict anti-hazing policy, since the very beginning. Hazing has never been in our history or culture.

12. Tradition & legacy
There is power in knowing that you’ll go through the same traditions, rituals, and repeat the same words, as generations of men before you. Live up to the teachings passed down, and create new legacies for future generations to come.

Are you dedicated and committed? If so, let us know.

⭐ Unique to Xi Alpha Pi
¹ Source:

Testimonials from our members

"UTSC is a difficult place to meet genuine lifelong friends, and XAP has been the answer for me to create incredible friendships and the best memories I've had in my university years. XAP has helped me improve my confidence and leadership skills by surrounding me with people who seriously care about one another."

Br. Scott "Boreas"
ΞΑΠ, Upsilon #104

"Before I joined the Fraternity, I re-evaluated if I made the wrong decision, to fly across the globe to better my life. With the strength, humility and brotherhood of XAP, I can confidently say that I have learned skills, and have made memories that I will cherish for life."

Br. Het "Briarius"
ΞΑΠ, Upsilon #107

Want to read more? See testimonials from our alums here.

XAP is a place that I can go to, and surround myself, with people who can challenge me to be a better person. I joined XAP to push myself to the limit, to challenge myself, and to grow as an individual. XAP isn’t your typical fraternity. It’s a brotherhood of men, looking to improve themselves, in all aspects of their lives.

Br. Ikenna "Arkadia"
ΞΑΠ, Mu #76

"I joined XAP in search of a group of real friends at UTSC, who would push me to succeed and be the best version of myself in all aspects. I found that and more - a brotherhood built on meaningful values over a decade in the making, cross-industry connections I otherwise would never make, and friendships that will last a lifetime. XAP has shaped my life. Advice from Brothers have helped me plan my courses/careerpath. Most of my free time is spent hanging out with Brothers, and I work with many in student clubs.

From sharing meaningful conversations over Korean BBQ, having Brothers graciously tutor me before exams, hearing valuable advice and precious memories shared by Alumni, learning about other cultures and religions, to even just laughing with Brothers over bowling - I can confidently say that joining XAP has been the best decision I've made in university!"

Br. Matthew "Agape"
ΞΑΠ, Alpha-Gamma #123

Our classes

A - Alpha Almighty” Class (Fall 2008)

B - Beta “Than Eva” Class (Spring 2009)

Γ - Gamma “Genesis” Class (Fall 2009)

Δ - Delta “Dynasty” Class (Spring 2010)

E - Epsilon “Elite” Class (Fall 2010)

Z - Zeta “Zen” Class (Spring 2011)

H - Eta “Hawks” Class (Fall 2011)

Θ - Theta “Titans” Class (Spring 2012)

I - Iota “Immortals” Class (Fall 2012)

We follow the tradition of Greek classes. We graduate members as a class, designated by a Greek letter, in order of the Greek alphabet.

New members become 'class Brothers.' Each new member is assigned to a 'Big Brother' to continue the Brotherhood lineage.

Υ - Upsilon “Uprising” Class (Fall 2018)

Φ - “FuriousPhi Class (Spring 2019)

Χ - Chi "Champion" Class (Spring 2020)

ψ - Psi "Savvy" Class (Fall 2020)

AB - Alpha-Beta "Beasts" Class (Spring 2021)

ΑΓ - Alpha-Gamma "G.O.A.T.s" Class (Fall 2021)

ΑΔ - Alpha-Delta "Top Dogs" Class (Spring 2022)

AE - Alpha-Epsilon “Excelsior” Class (Fall 2022)

AZ - Alpha-Zeta "Zephyr" Class (Spring 2023)

K - Kappa “Knights” Class (Spring 2013)

Λ - Lambda “Legacy” Class (Fall 2013)

M - Mu “Mentum” Class (Spring 2014)

N - Nu “Nation” Class (Fall 2014)

O - Omicron "Olympians" Class (Spring 2015)

Π - Pi “Prodigies” Class (Fall 2015)

Ρ - Rho “Revolution” Class (Spring 2016)

Σ - Sigma “Surreal” Class (Spring 2017)

Τ - Tau “Tenacious” Class (Fall 2017)

XAP chant and rehearsal.
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Intro to XAP in 37 secs.
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Learn more about XAP

How are we different from other fraternities?

¹ Source:
² This table is intended to provide an overview of XAP's key differentiators. It is not intended to represent all fraternities that exist. Details presented here could differ and change for specific fraternities.

Not in your city?

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