How to start a fraternity chapter?

Starting a fraternity in your city, or at your university may not be as difficult as you think - especially when you can leverage the support of an established fraternity.

Start a chapter with XAP to champion multiculturalism and community service. Extend our legacy to where you are.

XAP is about coming together as a Brotherhood to:

  1. become better men of society

  2. do good in the world

  3. advocate for cultural diversity

Why start a fraternity chapter?

Starting a new fraternity chapter can be an exciting and rewarding opportunity for university students. By establishing a new chapter, individuals have the chance to create a close-knit community that fosters brotherhood, leadership, and personal growth.

This allows students to form lifelong friendships and connections with like-minded individuals who share similar values and interests. Additionally, starting a new chapter provides the chance to make a positive impact on campus and in the surrounding community through philanthropic efforts and community service. It also allows individuals to develop essential skills such as organization, teamwork, and event planning.

Overall, starting a new fraternity chapter offers students the chance to leave a lasting legacy on campus and contribute to the development of future leaders.

Start a new fraternity chapter internationally

Fraternities are mostly concentrated in USA and Canada. This makes it difficult for many to experience the joys of fraternity life. At XAP, this isn't the case. We're open to accepting international applications. After all, we're a multicultural fraternity, with a global presence already.

Interested? Let us know. We'll be happy to assess and advise further. Considerations do depend on your level of passion and commitment.

Apply today

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